(2018) 2 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 46–57
Title of the article Ensuring the Effectiveness of a Pre-trial Investigation under Current Circumstances
PhD in Law, lecturer, department of public prosecutors training in supervision over laws observance by agencies entrusted with operative and detective activities, inquiry and pre-trial investigation, Institute of Continuing Professional Development, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, aveo-b@ukr.net
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2018
Issue 2
Pages [46–57]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract Scientists are actively searching for the optimal model of a pre-trial investigation in Ukraine, therefore, first of all, the legal basis, forms, and features of determining the effectiveness of a pre-trial investigation and ways to ensure it are considered.
The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical aspects of the effectiveness of a pre-trial investigation in the context of recent changes to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine (CPC of Ukraine) through the prism of the functional features of the prosecutor, investigator and investigative judge.
The article states that the prosecutor in the criminal process represents the indictment with subordinate operational units and investigators who detect and investigate a crime and report a note of suspicion under the control of the investigative judge. According to the content of Art. 290 of the CPC of Ukraine, it is the prosecutor who supervises in the form of procedural supervision in criminal proceedings that determines the scope of the charge that she/he will support in court. Such a charge is formed on the basis of factual data, the prosecutor will use in court as evidence.
During the pre-trial investigation, the investigator conducts a comprehensive, complete and objective investigation, identifies both exposing and justifying circumstances and circumstances mitigating or aggravating her/his punishment, as well as provides their appropriate legal assessment, and ensures making legal and impartial procedural decisions.
It is noted that the main purpose of the investigative judge is the implementation of judicial protection of the rights and legitimate interests of persons participating in the criminal process, and ensuring the legality of the proceedings in the case at the pre-trial stages.
The study concluded that without a conceptual solution to the basic principles of law enforcement in the investigation of criminal offenses, the prospect of developing an optimal model for pre-trial investigation in Ukraine, as well as determining the powers of the prosecution and investigative judge, affecting its effectiveness, is rather problematic.
Keywords an investigator; a prosecutor; an investigative judge; law enforcement agencies; effectiveness of pre-trial investigation.
List of legal documents
1. Pro zatverdzhennia Polozhennia pro orhany dosudovoho rozsliduvannia Natsionalnoi politsii Ukrainy [On Approval of Regulations on the Bodies of a Pre-Trial Investigation of the National Police of Ukraine]: nakaz Ministerstva vnutrishnikh sprav Ukrainy [order of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine] vid 6 lypnia 2017 roku № 570. URL: (accessed: 12.07.2018) (in Ukrainian).
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Authored books
3. Krapyvin Ye, Otsinka efektyvnosti roboty politsii v Ukraini: vid “palyts” do novoi systemy (na prykladi orhaniv dosudovoho rozsliduvannia) [Estimation of the Effectiveness of Police Work in Ukraine: from “Sticks” to a New System (on the example of pre-trial investigation units)] (Sofiia-A 2016) 11 (in Ukrainian).
Conference papers
4. Rozhnova V, ‘Uchast zakhysnyka (advokata) v provedenni obshuku’ [‘Participation of a Lawyer in the Conduct of a Search’] Aktualni pytannia kryminalnoho protsesu, kryminalistyky ta sudovoi ekspertyzy: mizhvidomcha naukovo-praktychna konferentsiia [Topical Issues of Criminal Proceeding, Forensic Sciences and Examination: interagency scientific and practical conference] (Natsionalna akademiia vnutrishnikh sprav 2017) 50 (in Ukrainian).
5. Shumylo M, ‘Rol nauky u krytychnii refl eksii polozhen KPK Ukrainy’ [‘The Role of Science in the Critical Reflection of the Provisions of the CPC of Ukraine’] Aktualni pytannia kryminalnoho protsesu, kryminalistyky ta sudovoi ekspertyzy: mizhvidomcha naukovo-praktychna konferentsiia [Topical Issues of Criminal Proceeding, Forensic Sciences and Examination: interagency scientific and practical conference] (Natsionalna akademiia vnutrishnikh sprav 2017) 22 (in Ukrainian).
6. Valter Z, ‘Status prokuratury v Nimechchyni v systemi derzhavnykh orhaniv ta ii povnovazhennia’ [‘The Status of the Prosecutor’s Office in Germany in the System of State Bodies and Its Powers’] Prokuratura Ukrainy v umovakh yevropeiskoi intehratsii: naukovo-praktychna konferentsiia [The Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine in the Context of European Integration: scientific and practical conference] (Natsionalna akademiia prokuratury Ukrainy 2016) 6 (in Ukrainian).
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8. Khavroniuk M, ‘Prokuratura po-nimetsky: zakonu nemaie, a ordnunh ie’ [‘The Prosecutor’s Office in German: There is no Law, Just Ordnung’] URL: accessed 21 June 2018 (in Ukrainian).
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10. Zelenetskyi V, Loboiko L, ‘Kryterii otsinky efektyvnosti diialnosti orhaniv kryminalnoho peresliduvannia v Ukraini’ [‘Criteria for Assessing the Effectiveness of the Criminal Prosecution Authorities in Ukraine’] URL: accessed 21 June 2018 (in Ukrainian).